Thank you for contributing to our map! Please complete the form below with accurate and up-to-date information about the item you wish to add. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. 

By filling and sending this form, you confirm that this submission does not contain personal or sensitive data, and that the information provided in this form is accurate and truthful. For more information about data use, please consult this page.

Add a stakeholder

About the stakeholder

What is the stakeholder's type?

In which country is the stakeholder located?

Is the country part of an ICA Regional Branch?

What language does the stakeholder uses?

Don't use punctuation - names in all caps won't be recognized either. If localization doesn't work (some addresses may not be recognized), enter the name of the nearest town/village, click on “Localize”, then set the localization point manually. Re-enter the complete address in the bar and proceed with the rest of the form without clicking on “Locate” again.

Contact details of the stakeholder

Formation institution

The Formation institution resource indicates the existence of a diploma in relation with archival science or more broadly information science. If you have selected Formation institution as category please fill the fields below.

What is the degree awarded upon completion?

What is the program about mainly?

Private company

The Private company resource indicates the existence of a private business providing archives-related services. If you have selected Formation institution as category please fill the fields below.

What is the company's aera of expertise?

Professional organization

The Professional organization resource indicates the existence of an organization or association of professionals in the archival or related field. If you have selected Professional organization as category please fill the field below.

Does the organization have a specialization or a specific unit for one or more of the areas of expertise listed below?

National archives

The National archives resource indicates the existence of state or government-related archives. If you have selected National archives as category please fill the fields below.
